It’s a New Year — Is It Time for a Packaging Refresh?

The new year is the perfect time to take a minute and reevaluate your product packaging. If you have not given your product packaging a refresh in a while, then it may be time to do so. As you take a look at the current trends, your packaging, and the feedback of clients, look out for the following signs that you should revamp your packaging.

It Has Been Years

You do not want to change your product packaging every year, at least not with more than a minor change. This would be too expensive and could cause you to lose customers. However, you do need to change it around every several years. Experts say that if you have used your current packaging for about six years, you are due for a refresh. At this point, your packaging is likely no longer relevant, and it probably does not incorporate the latest trends.

Of course, some packaging can last longer or less time than six years; this is just a ballpark figure, so you know when you need to take an even closer look as you evaluate the packaging.

Packaging Prices Are Rising

Since product packaging directly affects your bottom line, you do not want to watch your packaging costs rise without doing anything about it. You could pass the increase on to your customers, but they are unlikely to take this well, especially if your competitors do not do the same.

If the prices are going up on your packaging, then take some time to evaluate the new options available. Maybe you will find a new supplier with better pricing. Or maybe you will notice that a new type of packaging is now available that offers more affordability.

Customers Are Not Excited

Another very good indication that you need to refresh your product packaging is if your customers no longer feel excited about it. What excited clients a few years ago may no longer be so interesting, so it may be time for a change. You can typically tell the level of customer excitement via sales figures, but when in doubt, go ahead and ask clients or potential ones for their opinion.

You Cannot Ignore Certain Trends

Sometimes, the growth of trends makes it impossible for you to keep going with your packaging as it currently is. For example, if you use packaging that includes a great deal of plastic, you may need to rethink this due to the push for a reduction in plastic.

You can tell what trends you can no longer ignore by looking at your competitors and what clients have to say. If customers keep sending you messages that they would prefer a specific change, such as the switch from plastic to glass, then at least consider it. Similarly, if you notice most of your competitors making similar minor changes, try to figure out why and then decide if you should follow suit.

If you do decide to refresh your product packaging, do so with care as you do not want to alienate your current customers or make your brand unrecognizable.      

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