What Do Different Boxing Styles Offer?

Just as there are different products with different sizes and shapes, there are different box styles for many different uses. Each box style and size offers different uses and functions. Not all boxes are created equal. Some are lightweight, and some are sturdy. Some open at both ends, and some open only at one end. If you have something that needs a box, we either have one that is suitable or can make one to fill your need.

Shipping Boxes

If you want boxes primarily for shipping your product, you will want to consider how sturdy the box needs to be. A good shipping box should be of thick, sturdy construction, with a bottom that seals tightly so that it doesn’t come apart in transit. The top will need to seal well but also be relatively easy to open.

Boxes with See-Through Lids

Perhaps your product is a food item. Some foods need to show through the box, either on top or on the side, so that customers can see what they’re getting. This is particularly the case with cake, pie, and other pastry boxes that are made at an in-store bakery. Our Self-lock Cake Box is an example of this type of box. Other packaging with see-through windows can include dry pasta and some ice cream carton lids. Boxes with see-through lids allow customers to see what the product looks like before they buy. Other products with see-through lids or front panels can include children’s toys, cosmetics, and some hardware, like boxes of nails or screws.

Gable Boxes

Gable boxes can be suitable for a variety of products, especially promotional products. They can be used for candies, toiletry gift boxes, and specialty food items, such as locally made hot sauces, jams, honey, etc. With its A-frame shape, a gable box will stand out from nearby merchandise.

Display Boxes

Some impulse items are well displayed in their own open box that is colorfully designed to grab the attention of shoppers. Our Double-wall Tuck Box is a great example of this type of display box. You see these everywhere, especially in the check stand aisles, where they are full of lip balm, candy, tissue packets, and a multitude of other small impulse items.

Boxes with a Unique Shape

Sometimes you either have a product with an odd shape or want a box with an extraordinary shape just to draw attention to your product, making it unusual and eye-catching. Our Hexagon Box is a nice example of this type of box. The hexagon box works well with pretty trinkets, such as a music box, a delicate porcelain dresser-top dish, a fancy scarf, a collection of carved soaps, and many other niceties. If you run a gift shop, you may even want to have a supply of these boxes on hand in various sizes to use in sales of delicate or high-end items, rather than just placing them in a bag. They can be imprinted to your specifications.

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